To Deal With Climate Change We Need...

With all of the different ways that have been proposed to deal with climate change, this has the potential to have one of the biggest impacts, not only on the climate change, but also on the World Economy and financial industries. This article may be from a couple years ago, but the ideas expressed are just as important now as they ever have been.


Yes, the skiing looks incredible, but I feel it’s all about the message. The message portrayed here is how connected trees are to humans and the environment and how important a role they play in our changing climate.

This short film, produced by Patagonia and Jordan Manly, is extremely relevant to the issues we currently face and future generations will continue to encounter. If for no other reason, you must watch this film for the captivating cinematography.

Huffington Post

10 Jaw-Dropping Photos From The 2015 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest

The entries for the 2015 National Geographic Traveler Photo Contest are in, and the photographs are as stunning as ever. The annual contest asks photographers from all around world to submit photos in four categories: Travel portraits, outdoor scenes, sense of place, and spontaneous moments. More...