How Can I Make A Difference?
With the constant barrage of news bombarding us In the fast paced atmosphere of social as well and other media outlets, it can feel a bit overwhelming following the important issues threatening our planet, let alone getting involved and making a difference. Here are a few resources that I've found helpful in learning more about current issues we're facing as well as ways to get involved and started on a path to effecting change.
The Sierra Club
Founded by none other than, "the father of our National Parks", John Muir and with distinguished members such as Ansel Adams, The Sierra Club, with it's 3.5 million members, is the Nation's largest grass roots environmental organization.
Although the Sierra Club is well known in North America, did you know that they are involved in projects all over the World?
The Nature Conservancy
A Global conservation powerhouse, The Nature Conservancy has over 1 million members worldwide. With a goal to protect ecologically important lands and water for people and nature, The Nature Conservancy is one of the leading organizations making the world a better place and for all of us to live in and enjoy.
Friends of Earth
Tackling some of the biggest issues humanity faces today, Friends of Earth isn't after the easy wins, they are trying to effect meaningful change that will last generations to come. Whether it's climate & energy, financial & economic, food & agriculture, forests, or oceans, Friends of Earth is addressing issues that impact each and every one of us on some level.
Amazing Book to Read:
Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis - Al Gore
"It is now abundantly clear that we have at our fingertips all of the tools we need to solve the climate crisis. The only missing ingredient is collective will.
Properly understood, the climate crisis is an unparalleled opportunity to finally and effectively address many persistent causes of suffering and misery that have long been neglected, and to transform the prospects of future generations, giving them a chance to live healthier, more prosperous lives as they continue their pursuit of happiness.
Our Choice gathers in one place all of the most effective solutions that are available now and that, together, will solve this crisis. It is meant to depoliticize the issue as much as possible and inspire readers to take action—not only on an individual basis but as participants in the political processes by which every country, and the world as a whole, makes the choice that now confronts us.
There is an old African proverb that says, "If you want to go quickly, go alone; if you want to go far, go together."
We have to go far, quickly.
We can solve the climate crisis. It will be hard, to be sure, but if we can make the choice to solve it, I have no doubt whatsoever that we can and will succeed."
—AL GORE, from the introduction